
NEFINIA, a Dutch innovative consultancy management company, founded in 2007, continuously offering an increasing range of added value products, services, solutions, best practices, commercial business developments, promotion of entrepreneurship for everyone. NEFINIA aims at serving as a best example of bottom up Institution Building effort towards EU Integration and regional competitiveness, playing a key role, contributing in the implementation of EU Regulations and Directives through its participation in EU funded networks & projects, at interregional level. Mainstreaming EU project recommendations into National & Regional policies is its ultimate goal.

UNINETTUNO is an International Telematics University with six faculties and more than 15.000 students from more than 165 countries enrolled to its courses, which are provided in 6 languages through its e-learning platform. The distance courses have been also broadcasted using the web-tv and the satellite channel UninettunoUniversity.TV. The didactic programs include degree courses and masters for the following faculties: Engineering, Law, Economics, Psychology, Literature and Communication Sciences. In addition, the University offers several VET courses and up to 220 MOOC courses, being one of the largest MOOC providers in Europe.

STANDO LTD is a research and educational organisation based in Cyprus, dedicated to the advancement of research and innovation. We are, at the same time, an approved VET Centre accredited by the Human Resource Development Authority of Cyprus. The strength of our enterprise primarily lies in our highly qualified team and its extended network of international partners. Our dynamic and experienced academics, researchers and practitioners are committed in implementing large scale co-funded projects and collaborate with organizations from Cyprus and around the world.

Grupo EVM
EVM is a Spanish consultancy company offering services in different ares: Engineering and Innovation, Infrastructure and Space, Funding and Co-investment, Training. EVM has designed many training programs targeted at entrepreneurs and NGOs, which reflect its special way of understanding the process improvement of both traditional companies willing to innovate, and new companies adventuring into the fields of entrepreneurship. EVM is organized as a factory of ideas shaped by an interdisciplinary team of its own, a network of collaborators and a well-defined framework.

Surdurulebilir Kalkinma Dernegi (Sustainable Development Association) was established, in the field of civil society at the national and international level, with the aim of protecting the environment & quality of life & sustainable development & lifelong learning & social inclusion, respecting for the rights of humans & all living creatures & conscientious consumption of resources, increasing the level of economic growth and prosperity, from the perspective of reducing the problems and needs coming from the past and delivering them to the next generation by adopting trust, instead of inheritance.

21.YY Egitimciler Dernegi (21St Century Educators Association) is a newly established Turkish NGO which aims at the exchange of teaching knowledge, promoting innovative training methods and tolerance among different countries through assisting teachers ,parents ,adults and young people in acquiring new abilities,the development of creativity, knowledge of foreign languages,cultures,human rights,etc. Our main aim is to provide the exchange of innovative educational methods and experiences; training young people,parents,adults ,teachers and leaders committed to education, human rights,democracy and inclusion; contribute to the process of transformation and improvement of the European teaching by providing professional competences, personal skills development such as trust, responsibility and taking decisions.